Read the Sentence. Hiking in the Mountains Can Be a Problem.which Would Be the Best Revision?

Methodological recommendations for Summative Assessment
on the subject «The English language language»
Form 9
Nur-Sultan, 2019


Methodological recommendations for Summative Cess are designed to aid teachers
in planning, organising and carrying out Summative Cess in «The English language» for the
Grade 9 learners. Methodological recommendations are aligned with the Subject Plan and
Form plan. Summative Cess in Grade nine is conducted in Terms 1, ii, 3 and 4.
Summative Assessment tasks for unit/cantankerous curricular unit will allow teachers to determine
the level of the learning objectives achievement planned for the term. Methodological
recommendations comprise tasks, assessment criteria with descriptors and marks for conducting
Summative Assessment across the unit/cross curricular unit. Likewise this certificate includes possible
levels of the learners' academic accomplishment (rubrics). Tasks with descriptors and marks can be
considered equally recommendations.
Methodological recommendations are designed for secondary school teachers, schoolhouse
administrations, educational departments' seniors, regional and schoolhouse coordinators in criteria-based
assessment and others.
Free access to the Net resources such as pictures, cartoons, photos, texts, video and audio
materials, etc. have been used in designing these Methodological recommendations.
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TASKS FOR TERM one …………………………………………………………… 4
Summative cess for the unit «Hobbies and Qualities» ……………………………………………………. four
Summative assessment for the unit «Practise and Sport» …………………………………………………………. nine
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TASKS FOR TERM 2 …………………………………………………………. thirteen
Summative assessment for the unit «Globe and our place in it» ……………………………………………….. 13
Summative cess for the unit of measurement «Charities and Conflict»…………………………………………………… 18
SUMMATIVE Cess TASKS FOR TERM 3 …………………………………………………………. 22
Summative assessment for the units «Reading for Pleasure» and «Traditions and Linguistic communication» …….. 22
Summative cess for the unit «Music and Film»……………………………………………………………. 27
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TASKS FOR TERM 4 …………………………………………………………. 31
Summative assessment for the unit of measurement «Travel and Tourism» ……………………………………………………… 31
Summative assessment for the unit «Science and Technology» ……………………………………………….. 36
Summative assessment for the unit «Hobbies and Qualities»
Learning objectives Understand well-nigh specific information in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular
ix.3.3.1 Explicate and justify their own point of view on a range of
general and curricular topics
Assessment criteria
 Identify facts and details in extended talks without
support on different topics
 Make their stance clear for others by describing or
giving information near information technology and show it
Level of thinking skills Awarding
Higher society thinking skills
Duration twenty minutes
Task 1. Listen and circle the best respond A, B or C.
CD2. Tapescript 1.
one. What are they planning on doing in the morn?
A) Fishing
B) Mount biking
C) Hiking
two. According to the atmospheric condition tape, when would information technology start raining?
A) In the afternoon
B) At night
C) In the morning
3. What did Paul forget to bring?
A) Rain coats
B) Umbrellas
C) Rain boots
4. Where did Sarah leave the playing cards?
A) Next to picnic tabular array
B) On picnic table
C) Under picnic tabular array
5. What do they finally decide to do?
A) Stay at a hotel
B) Render home
C) Sleep at the campground
Task two. Limited your opinion well-nigh the consequence in your card and give reasons. You have 1 minute to
prepare and 1 minute to talk most it.
Card 1
1. Tell almost an unusual hobby yous know.
2. What is the hobby?
3. Why is information technology unusual for you?
4. What kind of people might like it?
Carte du jour 2
1. Tell nigh a hobby that was fashionable in the past.
two. What is the hobby?
3. Do yous know whatsoever people still doing it?
iv. Why is it non fashionable today?
Carte 3
1. Tell about a hobby that is popular among teenagers today.
2. What is the hobby?
iii. Why is information technology popular?
4. Practice you know anyone who likes it?
Carte du jour 4
1. Tell about your hobby.
two. What is the hobby?
three. Why exercise you like information technology?
4. Do you know anyone who also likes it?
Card 5
one. Tell virtually a dangerous hobby.
two. What is the hobby?
3. Why do y'all think it is dangerous?
4. Why practise people like it if information technology is dangerous?
Cess criteria

A learner
Identify facts and details
in extended talks without
support on dissimilar topics
circles "C" as a correct respond for question one; 1
circles "B" as a correct answer for question ii; 1
circles "A" as a correct respond for question 3; 1
circles "A" as a right respond for question iv; 1
circles "C" as a correct reply for question v; i
Make their opinion clear
for others by describing or
giving information about
it and prove it
gives full answers for the questions in the
bill of fare;
provides explanation of his/her point of view; 1
justifies his/ her opinion past providing
Total marks viii
Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of
Summative Assessment for the unit «Hobbies and Qualities»
Learner's name________________________________________________________________
Assessment criteria
Level of learning achievements
Depression Eye Loftier
Identify facts and details in extended
talks without support on different
Experiences difficulties in
identifying detailed information.
Majority of the answers are
Experiences some difficulties in
identifying some detailed
information. Makes some mistakes
in choosing the right answers to
the questions and filling the gaps
with advisable words.
Correctly identifies detailed
data in a talk. Chooses most
of the answers correctly. Completes
the gaps with appropriate words
co-ordinate to the talk.
Make their opinion clear for others
by describing or giving information
about it and prove it
Answers some of the questions and
has difficulties in expressing the
ideas clearly. Struggles to justify
the answers.
Answers almost of the questions and
expresses the ideas clearly. Justifies
some of the answers.
Answers all the questions and
expresses the ideas clearly. Justifies
all the answers.
Paul: Sara, I`ve been looking forward to our early campout for three weeks. [Me as well] It`southward going to
exist a wonderful twenty-four hour period for hiking tomorrow. The swell outdoors. Camping under stars. This is the life.
Sara: Yes, nut Paul, I`m a little bit worried well-nigh the atmospheric condition though. The weatherman said it was
going to rain later this night.
Paul: Ah, nonsense. Nil can spoil our gamble. Those atmospheric condition reports are never correct.
Sara: And information technology said there was a chance of loftier winds.
Paul: Ah. Don`t worry. [Thunder]
Sara: Paul. Paul. Did you remember to bring our raincoats simply in case, similar I told you? [lite rain]
Paul: Uh…no. I left them on the front porch. [Heavy rain]
Sara: What are we going to do at present?
Paul: We`ll have to sleep in the auto! Hurry become in! [Door shut]
Sara: And then, Paul, what are we going to do now?
Paul: How well-nigh playing a card game?
Sara: Uhh. I left them adjacent to the picnic tabular array. [Hmmm] Hey, you don`t want me to become out in this
pelting and get them, do y'all?
Paul: No. that`s okay. So what now?
Sara: Well, we could head down the mountain and stay at the hotel we passed on the way upward, or go
Paul: Hmm, Why don`t nosotros just make the all-time of it here and hope the weather clears.
Summative assessment for the unit of measurement «Do and Sport»
Learning objectives 9.4.6.ane Recognise the mental attitude or opinion of the writer in
extended texts on a range of familiar full general and
curricular topics
ix.4.ix.ane Recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended texts
on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
9.five.five.1 Develop with back up coherent arguments supported
when necessary by examples and reasons for a wide
range of written genres in familiar full general and curricular
Assessment criteria  Identify the opinion of the writer in extended texts
 Identify inconsistencies in arguments in extended texts
 Write coherent paragraphs supported with arguments and
Level of thinking skills Application
College order thinking skills
Duration twenty minutes
Task one. Read the text and circle the all-time answer for the question.
i. What is the writer`southward attitude about the competition?
A) He/she is in favour of this competition
B) He/she is against of this competition
C) He/she doesn`t express her opinion about the competition
The Great Due north Run is one of the UK`s virtually pop sporting events. It is the biggest and
all-time-known half-marathon in the world. Around 50 thousand competitors sign up to take part in
the Cracking North Run every September, and run the 13 miles betwixt Newcastle upon Tyne
and South Shields. Effectually one hundred k friends and family members line the roads to
scout the race, and cheer the runners on from the sidelines.
The beginning Slap-up North Run was held in 1981, to help raise money for charities and other
worthy causes. The race has evolved over the years from a small, low key result to get one of
the nigh pop road running events in the sporting agenda, and the virtually famous competition of
its kind in the world.
A lot of people enjoy running, and men and women of all ages compete in the race to assistance
raise money for their favourite clemency. Almost ordinary people who enter the race are pleased if they
just manage to end it, merely for some athletes the competition is a serious business and they are out
to win information technology! Many well-known celebrities also sign upwards to have part in the race and enhance coin for
skillful causes.
Running road races can exist exhausting, and amateur runners oft find them challenging. Not
all runners who enter the race manage to go the total distance and complete information technology, and there are ever
some who autumn by the wayside. Ambulances are kept on standby in case any runners need any
medical attention, and bottled water is provided for competitors to keep them hydrated in various
stops along the way. Around two hundred and l g (a quarter of a 1000000) bottles of
water are handed out during the race forth, with a 1000 or more boosted drinks handed out
at the commencement and cease!
Task 2. Read the text over again and decide if the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not
given (NG). Write T, F or NG in the boxes.
one. The Great North Run is a pocket-sized, low primal event.
2. Professional athletes and amateur runners compete in the race.
3. Some people who take part don`t complete the race.
4. Bottles are recycled later on water is finished
Task 3.
Choose ONE of the topics and write an article.
Topic one. Write an commodity to a school magazine on "Sport helps us to be more prepared for life"
using arguments to support your opinion.
In your article you should answer the following questions:
1. What sports tin help you more than others?
2. How practice these sports help you?
iii. Who practice you know has benefitted from these sports?
Topic ii. Write an commodity to a school mag on "Sport is one fashion of keeping fit" using
arguments to support your opinion.
In your article you should answer the post-obit questions:
one. Why do people want to proceed fit then much?
ii. What sports tin help people to go on fit?
3. How do these sports help people?
Topic three. Write an commodity to a school magazine on "Doing sport is a way of staying healthy" using
arguments to support your opinion.
In your article you should answer the post-obit questions:
1. What sports are almost common in Kazakhstan?
2. Why are they most common?
three. How do these sports help people to stay salubrious?
Assessment criteria Task

Descriptor Marking
A learner
Identify the opinion of the
writer in extended texts
circles "C" as a correct respond for question i; one
Place inconsistencies in
arguments in extended
writes "F" or "faux" as a correct answer for
question one;
writes "T" or "truthful" equally a correct answer for
question 2;
writes "T" or "true" as a right reply for
question 3;
writes "NG" or "not given" every bit a correct
respond for question iv;
Write coherent paragraphs
supported with arguments
and reasons 3
provides relevant content of the topic; i
gives arguments to support his/her ideas; i
gives advisable examples / reasons on topic; 1
uses connectors correctly to develop his/her
Total marks nine
Rubrics for providing data to parents on the results of
Summative Assessment for the unit «Exercise and Sport»
Learner'due south name________________________________________________________________
Assessment criteria
Level of learning achievements
Depression Middle High
Identify the opinion of the writer and
inconsistencies in arguments in
extended texts
Experiences difficulties in
identifying a writer`s attitude and
inconsistencies in arguments.
Majority of the answers are
Experiences some difficulties in
identifying some detailed
information. Makes some mistakes
in choosing the best pick and
identifying inconsistencies.
Correctly identifies a writer`due south
attitude and inconsistencies in
arguments. All answers are right.
Write coherent paragraphs supported
with arguments and reasons
Experiences difficulties in
developing coherent arguments,
cannot support the stance with
advisable examples and reasons.
Experiences some difficulties in
developing coherent arguments,
struggles to support the stance
with advisable examples and
Develops coherent arguments,
supports the opinion with
appropriate examples and states the
Summative cess for the unit of measurement «Earth and our place in information technology»
Learning objectives Recognise the stance of the speaker`southward in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular
ix.ii.7.1 Recognise typical features at word, sentence and text
level of a range of spoken genres
9.three.viii.1 Recount extended stories and events on a range of full general
and curricular topics
Cess criteria  Identify the speaker`southward opinion in unsupported extended
 Place typical features at word, judgement and text level
 Retell extended stories and events
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension
Duration 20 minutes
Task 1. Listen and circle the best answer A, B, C or D.
CD2. Tapescript ii.
1. According to the speaker, more than and more greenhouse gases are produced by
A) a rut from the sunday
B) temper change
C) actions of people
D) no answer in the recording
ii. Which of these things is a greenhouse gas?
A) carbon monoxide
B) carbon dioxide
C) oxygen
D) no answer
3. Which of these things can help reduce levels of carbon dioxide?
A) Driving to work
B) Heating with coal
C) Using public transport
D) Leaving your Tv set on
4. Which of these predictions well-nigh climate change does the speaker make?
A) If planet gets warmer, and so polar bears will become extinct
B) If planet gets warmer, and so we can expect more floods
C) If planet gets warmer, then fuel will go less expensive
D) If planet gets warmer, and then sea levels will rising
v. If the planet continues to heat upwards, __ __ __ expect to experience more extreme weather.
A) so will we
B) then can we
C) then we tin can
D) then should we
half dozen. Which of these things isn`t mentioned in the video?
A) moving ridge energy
B) car pooling
C) coral reefs
D) heat waves
Task 2. What have people done to save our planet?
Answer the question and make a mind map on a poster in 3 minutes and then you will accept 1
minute to nowadays it to the whole class. In your speech you should:
— organise your ideas in a logical chain;
— connect your ideas using appropriate linking words;
— use topic related vocabulary.
Assessment criteria Task

Descriptor Mark
A learner
Place the speaker`s
opinion in unsupported
extended talk
Identify typical features at
word, sentence and text
circles "C" as a correct answer for question 1; one
circles "B" every bit a correct answer for question 2; 1
circles "C" every bit a correct answer for question 3; 1
circles "B" every bit a correct answer for question 4; 1
circles "C" as a right answer for question five; 1
circles "B" as a right answer for question half dozen; 1
Retell extended stories
and events
presents his/her ideas in a logical chain; 1
connects his/her ideas using advisable
linking words;
uses topic related vocabulary. ane
Total marks 9
Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of
Summative Assessment for the unit « World and our identify in it »
Learner's name________________________________________________________________
Assessment criteria
Level of learning achievements
Low Eye High
Identify the speaker`south opinion in
unsupported extended talk
Place typical features at discussion,
sentence and text level
Experiences difficulties in
identifying the speaker`south opinion
and finding typical features of the
given data. Majority of the
answers are incorrect.
Experiences some difficulties in
identifying the speaker`s opinion
and finding typical features of the
given information. Some answers
are incorrect.
Correctly identifies the speaker`s
opinion and can easily find typical
features of the given data.
All answers are right.
Retell extended stories and events
Experiences difficulties while
presenting his/her ideas in a logical
chain, struggles to connect the ideas
with the linking words and uses
some of the topic related
Experiences some difficulties while
presenting his/her ideas in a logical
chain, connects the ideas using
some of linking words and uses
some of the topic related
Presents his/her ideas in a logical
connects the ideas using appropriate
linking words and uses most of the
topic related vocabulary.
Author: Climate change has been in the news for years. But what is it? And how will information technology impact
us? To understand climate change, y'all kickoff need to know about the greenhouse consequence.
The World gets heat from the sunday in the atmosphere; greenhouse gases similar carbon dioxide trap
this heat and keep it from escaping back to outer infinite. Trapping some heat in the atmosphere is a
skilful affair, because it keeps the planet warm enough for us to live. Simply there`s a trouble. People
all over the world are calculation extra carbon dioxide to the temper. That`due south because today we fire
fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas to do many of our everyday activities, like driving our cars, using
our computers, and heating our homes. All this actress carbon dioxide is trapping more than heat in the
atmosphere, making the Earth warmer and causing other climate changes, too.
The signs of climate change are all around united states. Temperatures are getting warmer, behemothic water ice
sheets are melting, and the oceans are rise. In many places, flowers are blooming before, snow is
melting sooner, and birds aren`t flying as far s for the winter. So why does this matter? Well, if
the planet keeps getting warmer, nosotros can expect more powerful storms and more than flooding, droughts
and heat waves. And these changes tin cause additional issues, like the spread of sure
diseases, more wildfires, and food and water shortages. Climatic change could put entire
ecosystems, like coral reefs, in danger, and many plants and animals could become extinct.
The good news is that we tin take action! Nosotros can put less carbon dioxide into the temper
if we generate electricity from make clean sources like solar and wind power instead of burning coal, oil
or gas. We can too bulldoze less, apply public transportation, and cull cars that go further using less
gas. And you can do your part! Reduce your energy use by turning off the lights, the estimator, and
Idiot box when you`re not using them, and walk or ride your bike to piece of work or school. By making smart
choices and working together, we tin make a difference.
Summative assessment for the unit of measurement «Charities and Conflict»
Learning objectives 9.four.1.1 Empathize the main points in extended texts on a range
of unfamiliar general and curricular topics Write coherently at text level using a multifariousness of
connectors on a growing range of familiar general and
curricular topics
Assessment criteria  Place the principal points in the text
 Develop coherent paragraphs using various connectors
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension
Elapsing xx minutes
Task 1. Read the texts and match the statements ane-half dozen with the correct Clemency Organisations A-Eastward.
1. Invests money in looking for means to end disability.
2. Provides homes in some cases. _____________
3. Was given approval on its name by monarch. _____________
4. Has a smaller, related organisation working on similar bug. _____________
Charity organisations
A) The RSPCA (Regal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) was the first
system dedicated to the well-being of animals anywhere in the earth. In England and Wales
solitary, the RSPCA employ more than three hundred inspectors whose task information technology is to investigate
reported cruelty to animals. In 1840 Queen Victoria gave the organisation permission to be chosen
a royal order: The RSPCA. These days there are virtually two hundred branches in the UK.
B) The RNIB (Regal National Institute of the Blind) is the U.k.'south leading charity for the
blind. Sight loss is one of the nearly mutual disabilities in the Britain with over a million people
suffering from either partial or full blindness. The RNIB challenges the disabling furnishings of sight
loss by providing information and offering practical services to help people lead as normal a life as
possible. The organisation also works on the underlying causes of blindness working towards its
prevention, cure or consolation.
C) TBG (Tidy Britain Group) is an independent national charity fighting to improve the
quality of the local surround. They aim to make people more aware of the negative effects of
litter, canis familiaris fouling, graffiti and vandalism and to go anybody involved in doing their flake to keep
U.k. clean. The piece of work of the TBG is done mainly through campaigning. Volunteers piece of work closely
with councils and businesses to organise educational programmes designed to enhance sensation of
the bug. The TBG'southward sister organisation, Going for Dark-green, concentrates on pollution issues.
The two groups share bounds and take the aforementioned Chief Executive.
D) Mencap is a charity which is dedicated to fighting against discrimination towards people
who suffer from any kind of learning disability. Nearly of Mencap's work is campaigning. People
with learning disabilities are disadvantaged because of discrimination and lack of funding of
customs care. It also provides services of education, housing and employment also every bit
support and communication for families and careers of sufferers.
Job 2. Paraphrase the given sentences so information technology has similar meaning. Use the given beginnings of
Example, Sight loss is one of the most mutual disabilities in the UK.
Widespread ____________________________________.
Answer, Widespread inability among British is blindness.
1. Volunteers work closely with councils and businesses to organise educational programmes.
To adjust _______________________________________________________________.
2. People with learning disabilities are disadvantaged considering of discrimination and lack of funding
of customs care.
Discrimination ____________________________________________________________.
Task 3. Choose a topic and write a campaign letter. Use connectors to link ideas.
Topic 1. There is an orphanage with poor facilities in the town/ village where yous live. You demand
to write a entrada letter to a local administration asking them for assistance.
Topic 2. Your neighbour`s little house is so old that information technology can be ruined anytime just he does not have
any money to help himself. You need to write a campaign letter to raise money for the
Topic 3. Your classmate is suffering from a serious disease and he needs a big sum of money for
his treatment. To help him you lot need to write a campaign letter to enhance the funding.
Assessment criteria

A learner
Identify the main points in the
matches "B" with the statement 1; one
matches "D" with the statement 2; ane
matches "A" with the statement 3; 1
matches "C" with the statement 4; 1
paraphrases the first sentence correctly; 1
paraphrases the second judgement correctly; ane
Develop coherent paragraphs
using diverse connectors
uses a diverseness of connectors correctly to
develop his/her letter;
can express his/her thoughts/ feelings
uses paragraphs to organise his/her writing. 1
Total marks 9
Rubrics for providing data to parents on the results of
Summative Assessment for the unit «Charities and Conflict»
Learner's name________________________________________________________________
Cess criteria
Level of learning achievements
Depression Center High
Identify the chief points in the text Experiences difficulties in
identifying principal points in extended
texts. Struggles to friction match the
statements with the correct texts.
Bulk of the answers are
Experiences some difficulties in
identifying primary points in extended
texts. Makes some mistakes in
matching the statements with the
right texts.
Correctly identifies main points in
extended texts. Matches the
statements with the correct texts
easily. All answers are correct.
Develop coherent paragraphs using
diverse connectors
Uses some bones connectors
correctly to develop paragraphs,
struggles to limited his/her
thoughts clearly.
Uses some connectors correctly to
develop paragraphs, expresses well-nigh
of his/her thoughts clearly.
Uses a variety of connectors
correctly to develop paragraphs,
expresses his/her thoughts conspicuously.
Summative assessment for the units «Reading for Pleasure» and «Traditions and Linguistic communication»
Learning objectives 9.iv.5.1 Deduce significant from context in extended texts on a
range of familiar general and curricular topics
9.3.four.1 Answer with growing flexibility at both judgement and
discourse level to unexpected comments on a range of
general and curricular topics Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax
to talk about an increased range of full general and curricular
topics; Recount extended stories and events on a range of full general
and curricular topics
Assessment criteria  Identify the meaning from context
 Deliver effective reply speeches or comment on the
partner's speech without preparation
 Use topic related vocabulary and syntax to express the
 Retell extended stories and events
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension
Higher order thinking skills
Duration xx minutes
Job 1. Read the text and circle True (T) or False (F) for the statements 1-6.
Hallowe'en is a popular festival in many countries all over the world, and every year it seems
to become bigger. Find out some more than most the traditional festival of Hallowe'en.
The origins of the proper name
The festival of Hallowe'en has its (0) roots in Celtic and Roman traditions. Over ii,000 years
ago the Celts in Britain, Republic of ireland and parts of France celebrated Samhain to (1) mark the outset
of winter. When the Romans invaded, they merged this with Feralia, their celebration of the
passing of the dead. As Christianity spread, the Church tried to replace these pagan feasts with
official Church building holy days. One of these was November 1. It was called All Saints Solar day, or «All
Hallows», and October 31 was known as «All Hallows' Eve», then Hallowe'en.
Hallowe'en traditions
In the by there was a tradition called «souling». Poor people went around houses asking for
food. In exchange, they promised to say prayers for the dead. People no longer get souling, but the
habit has been transformed into a modern Hallowe'en game for children in America, who wearing apparel up
as ghosts, witches and monsters and go around people's houses, asking for sweets. This game is
called 'Pull a fast one on or Treat'.
Hallowe'en wouldn't exist fun without witches. Witches accept ever been part of popular
sociology. Shakespeare's (two) play «Macbeth» opens with 3 witches. A witch was someone —
normally a woman — who had special powers and had dealings with the devil. The American boondocks,
Salem, in the land of Massachusetts, is famous for the «witchcraft trials», which took place there
in 1692.
The pumpkin is a symbol of Hallowe'en. People empty a pumpkin, cut a face into the side,
and put a candle inside. It's known as a Jack O' Lantern, from an Irish fable about a human called
Jack, who made a deal with the devil.
one. Lots of people like Hallowe'en. T F
two. The Celts celebrated Samhain at the end of autumn. T F
3. The Christian Church took over the older pagan festivals. T F
four. Only poor people play 'Play a trick on or Treat'. T F
5. Witches are modernistic characters. T F
6. Jack O'Lantern was another name for the devil. T F
Task 2. Read the text once again and circle the word that can replace the underlined give-and-take without
changing the meaning.
Case: (0) cores origins seeds stems
1. covered expanded extended stretched
2. game performance sport piece of work
Task 3. In pairs, learners take a card and develop a conversation answering the given questions.
They take one infinitesimal to generate the ideas and they have to speak for two-iii minutes.
Carte du jour one. Answer the post-obit questions in the course of conversation. Y'all have one minute for
preparation and yous have to speak for 2-3 minutes.
1. Explain the title of the book you lot`ve read.
two. What category or genre do y'all think it fits into?
3. What do you think the writer'southward purpose is?
iv. Something you liked about it. Why?
Card ii. Reply the following questions in the class of conversation. You have 1 minute for
grooming and you lot take to speak for ii-3 minutes.
1. Something you disliked about the book y'all`ve read.
2. Describe the setting.
3. Which character did you like most? Why?
4. Which grapheme did you like to the lowest degree? Why?
Card iii. Answer the following questions in the class of conversation. You have 1 minute for
preparation and you lot have to speak for 2-3 minutes.
1. Describe one of the main characters of the book that you`ve read.
2. What changes does a main graphic symbol go through?
3. Describe one significant part of the volume.
4. How did reading it change you, or your views?
Card 4. Answer the post-obit questions in the class of chat. You lot have one minute for
preparation and you have to speak for ii-iii minutes.
one. What would yous say to persuade a friend to read the volume that you`ve read or not to read
2. Summarise it in one sentence.
iii. What feedback would you lot give the author?
4. What would y'all modify in the volume if you had a chance?
Card 5. Respond the following questions in the course of conversation. You have i minute for
training and y'all take to speak for 2-3 minutes.
ane. What was the lesson that you`ve learnt from the book?
two. What do you think of the ending?
3. What happens, or should happen, after the ending?
4. How did reading it modify you, or your views?
Assessment criteria

A learner
Identify the pregnant from
circles "T" as a correct answer for question 1; 1
circles "T" as a correct respond for question 2; 1
circles "T" as a right answer for question 3; 1
circles "F" as a correct answer for question iv; 1
circles "F" as a correct answer for question 5; 1
circles "F" as a correct answer for question 6; 1
circles "expanded" as a correct answer for
question i;
circles "piece of work" every bit a correct answer for
question 2;
Deliver effective reply
speeches or comment on
the partner's oral communication
without preparation
Retell extended stories
and events
Use topic related
vocabulary and syntax to
express the stance
answers all questions and answer to
unexpected comments without preparation;
presents his/her ideas in a logical chain to
retell the story;
justifies his/her answers with reasons; 1
uses topic related vocabulary. ane
Total marks 10
Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of
Summative Assessment for the units «Reading for Pleasure» and «Traditions and Language»
Learner's name________________________________________________________________
Cess criteria
Level of learning achievements
Low Eye Loftier
Identify the meaning from context Experiences difficulties in
identifying if the argument is T or
F. Struggles in identifying the
significant from context.
Experiences some difficulties in
identifying if the statement is T or
F. Makes some mistakes in
identifying the meaning from
Correctly identifies T and F
statements. Successfully identifies
the pregnant from context.
Deliver effective respond speeches or
annotate on the partner's speech communication
without training
Retell extended stories and events
Use topic related vocabulary and
syntax to limited the stance
Experiences difficulties to nowadays
his/her ideas in a logical concatenation to
retell the stories or events, struggles
to justify the answers, uses some of
the topic related vocabulary and
answers some of the questions,
does not comment on the partner's
oral communication.
Experiences some difficulties to
present his/her ideas in a logical
chain to retell the stories or events,
justifies some of the answers with
reasons, uses topic related
vocabulary and answers most of the
questions, sometimes comments on
the partner's speech.
Presents his/her ideas in a logical
concatenation to retell the stories or events,
justifies the answers with reasons,
uses topic related vocabulary and
answer all the questions.
Summative assessment for the unit of measurement «Music and Pic»
Learning objectives Understand most of the implied pregnant in unsupported
extended talks on a broad range of general and curricular
topics Write with moderate grammatical accurateness on a broad
range of familiar general and curricular topics
ix.5.5.1 Develop with support coherent arguments supported when
necessary by examples and reasons for a range of written
genres in familiar full general and curricular topics Write coherently at text level using a diverseness of connectors
on a growing range of familiar general and curricular
Assessment criteria  Place most of the implied significant in unsupported
extended talks
 Develop coherent paragraphs with moderate grammatical
 Develop coherent arguments supported past examples and
 Employ a diversity of connectors to develop coherent
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension
Duration xx minutes
Task ane. Listen and circle True or Fake for statements 1-six.
CD2. Tapescript 3.
1. The boy wants to exist in the ring. T F
2. He doesn't similar singing. T F
3. He tin't remember the vocal on the guitar. T F
iv. The boy is good at drums. T F
5. The girl says she will phone call him the next mean solar day. T F
Task 2. Write a film review of your favourite pic.
In your review you should include the post-obit information:
 Film`s title.
 The blazon of the movie. When it was made.
 Explicate the film`southward story but don`t explain the ending.
 Your stance about the moving picture.
 Should people go and watch the pic?
Assessment criteria

A learner
Identify most of the
unsaid pregnant in
unsupported extended
circles "Truthful" as a right answer for question one; 1
circles "Imitation" equally a correct answer for question 2; 1
circles "Truthful" equally a correct answer for question 3; 1
circles "Faux" every bit a correct answer for question iv; one
circles "False" every bit a right answer for question 5; 1
Develop coherent
arguments in paragraphs
supported past examples
and reasons
Develop coherent
paragraphs with
moderate grammatical
Use a variety of
connectors to develop
coherent paragraphs
gives relevant content of a film review; i
includes the championship of the picture show; ane
writes its blazon and/or when information technology was made; one
gives data near the story of the motion picture
without ending;
expresses his/her opinion of the film; 1
gives recommendation to go or not to go to watch
the film;
writes grammatically correct sentences; 1
uses a multifariousness of connectors correctly to develop
his/her essay;
supports his/her arguments by examples and /or
Total marks fourteen
Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of
Summative Assessment for the unit «Practise and Sport»
Learner's name________________________________________________________________
Assessment criteria
Level of learning achievements
Depression Middle Loftier
Place most of the unsaid
meaning in unsupported extended
Experiences difficulties in
identifying most of the implied
significant. The majority of the
answers are wrong.
Experiences some difficulties in
identifying well-nigh of the implied
meaning. Some answers are
Correctly identifies most of the
implied pregnant. All answers are
Develop coherent paragraphs with
moderate grammatical accuracy
Develop coherent arguments
supported by examples and reasons
Utilize a variety of connectors to
develop coherent paragraphs
Experiences difficulties in
developing coherent arguments
using basic connectors, omits some
parts of a film review, makes a lot
of grammatical mistakes in the
sentences and struggles to support
the arguments by examples and
Experiences some difficulties in
developing coherent arguments
using basic connectors, follows the
structure of a film review, makes
some grammatical mistakes in the
sentences and struggles to support
the arguments past examples and
Develops coherent arguments using
basic connectors, follows the
structure of a motion-picture show review,
writes grammatically right
sentences and supports the
arguments by examples and reasons.
Boy: Ah, band auditions. Great! I'd love to be in a ring! … Hi. Is this the band audience?
Girl: Hullo. Yeah. Then, you lot'd similar to be in our band?
Boy: Yep, I love music.
Girl: Well, we demand a singer, a guitarist and a drummer.
Boy: Oh, I dearest singing!
Girl: OK, so you tin can sing. Allow's sing the beginning of this vocal.
Boy: (singing) Tonight I'thousand going to have myself a existent skilful fourth dimension. I feel alive …
Daughter: Right, OK, mmm, maybe not. Can yous play an instrument?
Boy: Er, well, I can play the guitar a picayune.
Girl: OK, let's hear you lot. What can yous play? … That'due south it?
Boy: Er, yeah. I can't call back any more than.
Girl: Erm, can you play the drums?
Boy: Yep, sure.
Girl: OK! OK! STOP! That's enough. Erm, what virtually the maracas? Can you play the maracas?
Male child: Yes, I can. (singing) Young and potent and … er …
Girl: Great, great! Hmm … thanks for coming. I'll call you next week.
Summative assessment for the unit «Travel and Tourism»
Learning objectives Sympathize most specific information in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular
topics Use advisable subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
talk about an increased range of general and curricular
Assessment criteria  Identify specific information in extended talks
 Use subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to limited their
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension
Elapsing 20 minutes
Task 1. Mind and complete the gaps with the correct place from the box.
CD2. Tapescript 4.
Oxford Manchester London Cambridge Exeter
ane. Listening A The speaker wants to get to _________________
two. Listening B The speaker wants to go to _________________
3. Listening C The speaker wants to go to _________________
4. Listening D The train is going to ______________________
5. Listening E The passengers want to go to _______________
Task ii. Cull ONE card and answer the questions.
You take one minute to prepare and 1-2 minutes to talk about information technology to your partner.
Your partner will assess your speaking using the post-obit criteria:
Criteria Tick if your partner
achieved information technology
1. My partner answers all of the questions
2. My partner uses advisable subject-specific vocabulary
3. My partner expresses his/her opinion using an appropriate
Card 1
Are there whatsoever places that you would particularly like to go?
Are yous planning any vacations at the moment?
Can you lot easily find your way around new places?
Can yous tell me about the kind of things that you unremarkably practise on vacation?
Carte ii
Can you tell me something about your last holiday?
Did you often visit relatives when y'all were younger?
Practise you always adopt to spend your vacation at dwelling?
Do you lot often read travel reviews?
Card 3
Do you savor planning holidays?
Do you lot have any plans for the next public holiday?
Do you have whatsoever camping ground or hiking gear?
Do yous prefer rural holidays or city breaks?
Card 4
Practice you lot think y'all will buy a home in the country someday?
Do you want to spend more time abroad in the future?
Does your hometown attract many tourists?
Have you lot ever spent as well much on vacation?
Card 5
How do you most similar to travel?
How do you lot usually commute?
How of import is traveling to you?
How is your gustation in holidays irresolute?
Bill of fare 6
What kind of leisure activities do you prefer doing in summer?
How often do you stay in hotels?
If you could take whatever kind of holiday, where would you become in summer?
Is there annihilation you dislike about beach holidays?
Bill of fare 7
Is there anything you'd like to meet abroad?
Is your hometown a good identify for a holiday?
What are your plans for the adjacent public holiday?
What are/ were the best things about schoolhouse holidays when you were younger?
Menu 8
What changes would you like to make to the last hotel you stayed in?
What did you do last wintertime holiday?
What do yous find about hard virtually going on holiday equally a family unit?
What practise y'all like about the last place you went on holiday?
Assessment criteria

A learner
Identify specific
data in extended
writes "Cambridge" as a right answer for
question 1;
writes "Manchester" as a correct reply for
question 2;
writes "Oxford" as a correct answer for
question iii;
writes "Exeter" as a right respond for question
writes "London " every bit a correct answer for
question 5;
Use field of study-specific
vocabulary and syntax to
express their opinion
expresses stance on the questions; one
uses appropriate bailiwick-specific vocabulary; 1
uses an appropriate syntax. 1
Full marks 8
Rubrics for providing data to parents on the results of
Summative Assessment for the unit «Travel and Tourism»
Learner'due south name________________________________________________________________
Assessment criteria
Level of learning achievements
Low Eye High
Identify specific information in
extended talks
Experiences difficulties in
identifying specific data.
Take incorrect answers.
Experiences some difficulties in
identifying specific information.
Correctly identifies specific
information. All answers are correct.
Apply subject-specific vocabulary and
syntax to limited their stance
Experiences difficulties in
developing and sustaining a
consistent argument. Uses subject area-
specific vocabulary and syntax to
limited their opinion more often than not
inappropriately and respond some of
the questions.
Experiences some difficulties in
developing and sustaining a
consistent statement, uses some
subject-specific vocabulary and
syntax to express their opinion and
answer nigh of the questions.
Develop and sustain a consequent
argument. Uses appropriate nearly of
the subject-specific vocabulary and
syntax to express their opinion and
answer all the questions.
Rider: Alibi me? Which platform does the train to Cambridge get out from?
Train station attendant: The ten:15 railroad train or the x:40?
Passenger: The x:15.
Railroad train station attendant: The 10:xv railroad train leaves from platform three.
Passenger: Thanks.
Rider: Hi. Could I have a ticket for the adjacent train to Manchester, delight?
Train ticket vendor: Unmarried or return?
Rider: Errr, single delight.
Train ticket vendor: The adjacent railroad train is at 12:30pm, leaving from platform 2.
Passenger: And how much is it?
Railroad train ticket vendor: £13:l
Ticket inspector: Tickets, delight. Can I see your ticket, delight?
Passenger: Yes, here yous are.
Ticket inspector: This ticket is for Oxford.
Rider: Yeah, that'south correct.
Ticket inspector: But this railroad train doesn't go to Oxford, information technology goes to Liverpool.
Passenger: What? Liverpool? Oh no!
Train station annunciation: The next railroad train arriving at platform 1 is the 15:45 train to Exeter,
stopping at Bristol Temple Meads and arriving at Exeter St David's at 18:xxx.
Harry: What time is our railroad train back to London?
Angel: Information technology leaves at 4:30. We've merely got v minutes.
Harry: What platform does it get out from?
Angel: Platform ii. Wait, over there.
Harry: I tin can't see our train anywhere. Allow me meet the ticket. Look, it says 4:twenty, not 4:xxx!
Angel: Oh no, we've missed it.
Harry: No we haven't, it's late. Look, here it is now.
Angel: Phew, that was lucky!
Summative assessment for the unit «Science and Engineering science»
Learning objectives Deduce pregnant from context in extended texts on a range
of familiar general and curricular topics Write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors
on a growing range of familiar general and curricular
9.v.7.1 Utilise independently appropriate layout at text level on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Assessment criteria  Identify the meaning and details of the reading texts on
familiar topics and draw decision by reasoning
 Develop coherent paragraphs at text level using a diverseness
of connectors
 Utilize an appropriate layout in writing
Level of thinking skills Application
Duration twenty minutes
Task ane. Read the text. Identify what we should and should not exercise when we search something on the
Internet. Write Practise if you lot should and Don`t if y'all shouldn`t do the actions in statements 1-6.
ane. Utilise inverted commas in a search. _______
2. Use words like 'a' or 'the' in a search. _______
3. Check the spelling of every give-and-take. _______
4. Believe all the information you run into on the Internet. _______
keyword when you are doing a search. If you want to find out virtually seagulls, for example, search
for bird and not just 'seagull'-considering seagull might likewise be the name of just about
anything else, from a hotel to a documentary flick.
EXACT REFERENCES Tin Assistance You lot Notice WHAT Y'all`RE LOOKING FOR. If you are
looking for an exact phrase or sentence, east.1000. "seagulls are very clever" , blazon it betwixt inverted
commas ("") and simply exact matches volition be shown. This is useful when you desire to find something
yous`ve already seen but lost.
Avert Mutual WORDS like 'a' or 'the' in a search. These aren`t ever helpful and are
usually unnecessary.
REMOVE UNWANTED RESULTS by calculation a minus symbol (-). For case, seagull-hotel-
film would leave out all references to hotels and films.
Cheque YOUR SPELLING. Brand sure that yous spell every discussion in the search box correctly. The
smallest typing mistakes can bring unwanted results- especially when the mistyped word exists.
Always ask yourself, 'Is this reliable?' don`t make the mistake of believing everything you lot come across.
Some websites are unreliable, and some data is faux. Check your information on other
websites before accepting it.
Task 2. Paraphrase the given sentences so information technology has similar meaning. Utilise the given ancestry of
Example, Several keywords volition help to find better results.
Amend results ____________________________________.
Respond, Ameliorate results can be found past using several keywords.
1. Remove unwanted results by adding a minus symbol (-).
A minus symbol (-) ___________________________________________.
ii. Check your data on other websites before accepting information technology.
Information ________________________________________________.
Task ii. Write an essay on the following topic:
Do yous think modern applied science has fabricated life easier and safer? Or do you think that modern
engineering science has made life more difficult and more dangerous? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of modern technologies?
Follow this structure:
Paragraph 1: What general data well-nigh technologies tin can y'all give?
State your opinion (thesis).
Paragraph ii: What are the advantages of modernistic technologies?
Paragraph three: What are the disadvantages of modern technologies?
Paragraph 4: What's your overall opinion? Restate the thesis.
Cess criteria Task

Descriptor Mark
A learner
Identify the significant and
details of the reading
texts on familiar topics
and draw conclusion past
writes "Do" for the statement 1; i
writes "Don`t" for the argument 2; i
writes "Do" for the statement 3; ane
writes "Don`t" for the statement 4; 1
paraphrases the offset sentence correctly; i
paraphrases the 2d sentence correctly; ane
Develop coherent
paragraphs at text level
using a variety of
Use an appropriate
layout in writing
presents the thesis; 1
writes nigh advantages of modern technologies; 1
writes about disadvantages of modern
expresses his/her overall stance; ane
uses appropriate layout in writing; 1
uses a variety of connectors correctly to develop
the website review.
Full marks 12
Rubrics for providing information to parents on the results of
Summative Cess for the unit « Science and Technology »
Learner's name________________________________________________________________
Cess criteria
Level of learning achievements
Depression Middle High
Identify the pregnant and details of
the reading texts on familiar topics
and draw decision by reasoning
Experiences difficulties in
identifying the meaning and details
and cannot extend understanding of
familiar paper. Struggles to
paraphrase the sentences.
Experiences some difficulties in
identifying the meaning and details
and extending agreement of
familiar paper. Makes some
mistakes in paraphrasing.
Correctly identifies the pregnant
and details and extend
agreement of familiar paper.
Paraphrases the sentences
Develop coherent paragraphs at text
level using a variety of connectors
Use an appropriate layout in writing
Attempts to write a thesis
statement, writes the opinion
eighter about advantages or
disadvantages of modern
technologies, struggles to give
reasons and back up them, uses
some of the connectors correctly.
Does not follow the correct layout
in writing.
Writes thesis statement, writes the
opinion eighter about advantages or
disadvantages of modern
technologies, gives reasons
without supporting them,uses some
of the connectors correctly. Follows
the correct layout in writing.
Develops thesis statement that is
supported past reasons. Writes the
opinion well-nigh advantages and
disadvantages of modern
technologies, uses a variety of
connectors correctly. Follows the
correct layout in writing.


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