Happy Days Are Here Again Ben Selvin

Happy Days Are Here Again

Words by Jack Yellen; music by Milton Ager, 1929

What is the mood of this vocal? What aspects of the song deliver that mood? Bright tune, fast tempo, optimistic lyrics.

What verb tense is used in this song? Nowadays tense. Why is that significant? When are "happy days" arriving? They are here now. When are the sorry times? In the past. How does using present tense, rather than future tense, change the mood of the song? Commemoration instead of apprehension; affirmation rather than hope.

Why was this song so highly-seasoned to people in the early on years of the Corking Depression? How realistic was this vocal in 1932? What bear witness might be used to argue with it in 1932? How realistic is information technology someday? Is it optimistic or wishful thinking? Why?

Why practise yous think Franklin D. Roosevelt chose this every bit his campaign vocal in 1932? What did he pledge to practise that promised to bring happy days back? Help to farmers, public evolution of electric power, a balanced budget, repeal of prohibition.

Afterward ninety years, the Democratic Political party even so uses this as their theme song. Why oasis't they replaced information technology with something more "modern"? Why might they consider this a "campaign vocal for all seasons"?

"Happy Days Are Hither Once more" performed by Ben Selvin & His Orchestra on Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? Bully American Songs of the Depression, Minneapolis, MN: ProArte/ Fanfare [CD486], © 1989. Available on iTunes, Spotify, and YouTube.

Ben Selvin (1898–1980), who leads the orchestra in this recording, was famous for directing some of the all-time trip the light fantastic bands of the Swing Era. His ensembles, mainly organized for recording purposes, were amongst the first to popularize several hits from the early 1900s. Many of the performers he hired to play in his bands are at present more famous than Selvin, including Jimmy and Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman, and Red Nichols.

Rights have non been secured for this song. Please view in that location lyrics here:


Jack Yellen (1892–1991) was an immigrant, similar many songwriters of the menstruation, born in Poland and brought to the United States at an early age. Milton Ager (1893–1975) was built-in in Chicago. Later on serving in Globe State of war I, Ager began his career as a sheet-music song plugger and arranger for the publishing companies of George Thou. Cohan and Irving Berlin. Yellen wrote many lyrics that were fix to music by Milton Ager, including the classic "Ain't She Sweet." Their collaborations were so successful that they founded the publishing firm of Ager, Yellen and Bornstein in 1922.

A imprint touting Roosevelt in New York City.

In 1929 they moved to Hollywood to write songs for the flick Chasing Rainbows. Toward the end of their film contract, discouraged with the pic and each other, Yellen and Ager were asked to write a song for the Armistice scene when the doughboys get the news that World State of war I has ended. They wrote "Happy Days Are Here Again." Although the song was introduced on the eve of the Great Depression, it became a huge success and helped to burnish people's spirits during these hard times. Franklin D. Roosevelt adopted it as a campaign vocal for the 1932 ballot, promising better times ahead via a bright melodic line and optimistic lyrics. It has been associated with the Autonomous Party ever since.

Compare this song to other campaign songs:

List characteristics of a expert entrada song. Evaluate this song and other campaign songs using your criteria. Rank them from best to worst.

Choose another, more gimmicky song that expresses as much optimism as "Happy Days Are Here Again." Compare them and decide whether the new song would make a improve campaign vocal for either party.


Source: https://voices.pitt.edu/TeachersGuide/Unit%206/HappyDaysAreHereAgain.htm

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