When Can You Access Defiance Bay Again

Never Far from the Queen is a main quest in Pillars of Eternity.

Synopsis [ ]

Maerwald has told the Watcher that he might discover the Leaden Key in the "urban center of disobedience," "never far from the queen." The steward in the Peachy Hall of Caed Nua appears to have been the only other sentient being in the fortress...

Walkthrough [ ]

  • You will automatically get this quest after completing The Old Watcher. The easiest path to Defiance Bay leads by talking to the Steward and rebuilding the Eastern Barbican to open up a path.
  • And so you need to caput to the Bay. The intended path is to visit the ruined temple of Woedica in First Fires and speak to the ghost in that location (Lord Adwellen Rügfald Three), who will direct you lot to the catacomb entrance in Copperlane. Information technology's worth talking to him just to see your companions' reactions.
  • Otherwise, enter the Copperlane Catacombs in southwest Copperlane. Proceed to the southwest corner of the map, to discover the entrance of the Temple of Woedica. If Aloth accompanies you lot, he volition brand a comment that these people are not trustworthy, accompanied by another companion telling him to calm down.
    • After descending the stairs leading to the Temple of Woedica, y'all can head north east and enter stealth to discover a hidden switch, opening a room hidden past a fake wall containing two traps and minor loot.
  • At present you accept two options:
Option 1: Infiltrate the Leaden Fundamental base non-violently
  • Optionally pick up the Woedica Hood from the corpse in the catacombs, in a cave-like area infested with sporelings and trolls. Note that since Godlike are unable to article of clothing headgear, you lot will have to choose other options when talking to Leaden Key members in their base; for the meeting with the Acolyte in that location is a special option (see below).
  • Get the guards to allow you in by either bribing them with Copper pands (cp)350, passing a check of at least 13 Intellect or Resolve, or – as long equally you're not Godlike – equipping the Woedica Hood before talking to them.
  • Talk to the initiate in the northernmost room of the base. Listen to his rehearsal. If you didn't pick upwardly the Woedica Hood earlier, you tin can need i from him by passing a check of at least xiv Might or xiv Resolve.
  • Put on the Hood and enter the initiation chamber alone. Godlikes will get a special dialog option at the door to put the hood on their heads.
  • Respond to the Acolyte co-ordinate to the lines you've apposite with the initiate:
    • Land your name and purpose. → My name belongs to the gods and my hand to their service.
    • What company practice you lot seek? → I seek the company of shadows, that our labors may remain hole-and-corner.
    • Tell me of your labors. → To run into that the craft of kith and wilder does not disturb what basic the gods have buried.
    • How do we know your purpose? → You shall know it past the confession of my tongue, the deeds of my mitt, and the adjuration on my soul.
    • And how is your oath guarded? → It is sealed past the Leaden Primal.
  • Watch the visions she shares with you.
Option ii: Fight through the Leaden Key base of operations
  • Kill the guards and enter the base. Fight your way to the initiation sleeping room through the passage to the due west and kill the Acolyte and her accomplices.
  • Read the memories of the Acolyte's spirit.
Either way...
  • The result is the aforementioned: Y'all will larn the information which automatically starts the three follow-upwards quests:
    • The Man Who Waits
    • Through Decease'southward Gate
    • Undying Heritage

Role-playing tips [ ]

  • Once you have completed 1 or more than of the received quests, you might exist tempted to study back to the Acolyte – however, there is no new conversation choice that lets you do so.
  • After having concluded the conversation with the Acolyte, you tin can bring your companions into the chamber without repercussions. This makes leaving the temple much quicker, since you can simply apply the stairs in the back.

Journal [ ]

ID Objectives
0 Never Far from the Queen
10000 Maerwald has told me that I might observe the Leaden Key in the "city of defiance," "never far from the queen." It is at that place I must become if I am to track down the man who triggered my Awakening.
4 Go to the temple of Woedica.
10004 I learned from Maerwald that members of the Leaden Key tend to worship Woedica, and the steward has mentioned that there is a temple defended to Woedica in Disobedience Bay.
20007 I've asked around and learned that the temple can be found in a district called First Fires.
5 Detect a way into the temple of Woedica.
10005 The temple of Woedica is in ruins - above ground, at to the lowest degree. A half-cached staircase indicates there is more to the temple below footing. Although the staircase is inaccessible to me, it's possible that there'south another way in.
20004 An sometime spirit haunting the temple told me about an alternate entrance through the catacombs. He said it should be nearly the southern gate of the Copperlane district.
20002 A hooded man, presumably a member of the Leaden Key, was ambushed on his fashion through the catacombs. The disguise that would get him past the Leaden Key sentries was lost when the human being was carried off by trolls.
20003 I recovered a Leaden Key disguise. It should allow me pass any sentries the Leaden Key take in identify.
6 Investigate the Leaden Key's activities.
10006 I've made my mode into the chambers beneath the ruins of the temple of Woedica. If what Maerwald said is true, this is my best chance to find the Leaden Cardinal.
20001 I posed as a fellow member of the Leaden Key. As long every bit I don't expose myself by attacking anyone, I'll be able to motility around freely.
20005 I spoke to a nervous young initiate who gave me the passphrases I'll need to speak with the Acolyte.
20006 I plant a book with the passphrases I'll need to speak with the Acolyte.
vii Restore the Eastern Barbican.
10007 The Eastern Barbican confined the style to the road to Disobedience Bay. Information technology must be repaired earlier I can travel onwards.
8 Speak with the steward in Caed Nua.
10008 Maerwald is dead, and what answers he provided me were curt and cryptic. The steward in the Smashing Hall of Caed Nua appears to have been the only other sentient being in the fortress. She may be able to provide some guidance.
End states
Yes Found leads
30000 While I was unable to learn the true purpose of the Leaden Key's activities or the identity of the member I pursue, I did uncover several leads about their activities in the region.


Source: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Never_Far_from_the_Queen

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