Html5 Canvas Draw Image in Circle

Using images

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Until now we accept created our ain shapes and practical styles to them. One of the more exciting features of <sheet> is the ability to use images. These can be used to exercise dynamic photo compositing or as backdrops of graphs, for sprites in games, and and so forth. External images can exist used in any format supported by the browser, such as PNG, GIF, or JPEG. You tin even employ the image produced past other sheet elements on the same page equally the source!

Importing images into a sheet is basically a ii step process:

  1. Become a reference to an HTMLImageElement object or to another canvas element as a source. Information technology is also possible to utilise images by providing a URL.
  2. Draw the image on the canvas using the drawImage() function.

Let's accept a await at how to do this.

Getting images to draw

The canvas API is able to use any of the following data types every bit an epitome source:


These are images created using the Prototype() constructor, as well as whatever <img> element.


These are images embedded using the <image> chemical element.


Using an HTML <video> element as your epitome source grabs the current frame from the video and uses it every bit an image.


You lot can use another <canvas> element equally your image source.

These sources are collectively referred to by the blazon CanvasImageSource.

There are several ways to go images for utilise on a canvas.

Using images from the aforementioned page

Using images from other domains

Using the crossorigin attribute of an <img> element (reflected past the HTMLImageElement.crossOrigin holding), you can request permission to load an image from another domain for use in your call to drawImage(). If the hosting domain permits cantankerous-domain access to the image, the image can be used in your canvas without tainting it; otherwise using the paradigm volition taint the canvas.

Using other canvas elements

Just as with normal images, we access other canvass elements using either the certificate.getElementsByTagName() or certificate.getElementById() method. Be sure you've drawn something to the source canvas before using it in your target canvas.

One of the more than practical uses of this would be to use a 2d canvas chemical element as a thumbnail view of the other larger sheet.

Creating an image from scratch

Another choice is to create new HTMLImageElement objects in our script. To do this, yous can utilise the convenient Image() constructor:

                                  var                  img                  =                  new                  Epitome                  (                  )                  ;                  // Create new img element                  img.src                  =                  'myImage.png'                  ;                  // Set source path                              

When this script gets executed, the image starts loading.

If you try to call drawImage() before the image has finished loading, it won't practice anything (or, in older browsers, may even throw an exception). And then yous need to be sure to use the load event so you don't endeavor this earlier the image has loaded:

                                  var                  img                  =                  new                  Image                  (                  )                  ;                  // Create new img chemical element                  img.                  addEventListener                  (                  'load'                  ,                  function                  (                  )                  {                  // execute drawImage statements hither                  }                  ,                  imitation                  )                  ;                  img.src                  =                  'myImage.png'                  ;                  // Set source path                              

If you lot're but using one external image this can be a good approach, but once you need to track more than 1 we need to resort to something more clever. It's beyond the telescopic of this tutorial to look at prototype pre-loading tactics, simply you should keep that in mind.

Embedding an image via data: URL

Another possible way to include images is via the data: url. Information URLs let you to completely define an image equally a Base64 encoded string of characters directly in your lawmaking.

                                  var                  img                  =                  new                  Image                  (                  )                  ;                  // Create new img element                  img.src                  =                  'information:image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhCwALAIAAAAAA3pn/ZiH5BAEAAAEALAAAAAALAAsAAAIUhA+hkcuO4lmNVindo7qyrIXiGBYAOw=='                  ;                              

Ane reward of data URLs is that the resulting image is available immediately without some other round trip to the server. Another potential advantage is that information technology is also possible to encapsulate in ane file all of your CSS, JavaScript, HTML, and images, making it more portable to other locations.

Some disadvantages of this method are that your image is non cached, and for larger images the encoded url can get quite long.

Using frames from a video

You can also use frames from a video beingness presented by a <video> element (even if the video is not visible). For example, if y'all take a <video> chemical element with the ID "myvideo", you can do this:

                                  part                  getMyVideo                  (                  )                  {                  var                  canvass                  =                  document.                  getElementById                  (                  'sheet'                  )                  ;                  if                  (canvass.getContext)                  {                  var                  ctx                  =                  canvass.                  getContext                  (                  '2d'                  )                  ;                  render                  certificate.                  getElementById                  (                  'myvideo'                  )                  ;                  }                  }                              

This returns the HTMLVideoElement object for the video, which, equally covered before, is i of the objects that can be used as a CanvasImageSource.

Cartoon images

Once we accept a reference to our source image object we can employ the drawImage() method to return information technology to the canvas. Equally we will see later on the drawImage() method is overloaded and has several variants. In its most bones form it looks like this:

drawImage(image, x, y)

Draws the CanvasImageSource specified by the image parameter at the coordinates (x, y).

Annotation: SVG images must specify a width and height in the root <svg> element.

Example: A elementary line graph

In the following example, nosotros will utilise an external image as the backdrop for a small line graph. Using backdrops can make your script considerably smaller because we tin can avert the demand for code to generate the background. In this example, we're only using one paradigm, so I employ the prototype object's load outcome handler to execute the cartoon statements. The drawImage() method places the backdrop at the coordinate (0, 0), which is the top-left corner of the canvas.

                                  office                  describe                  (                  )                  {                  var                  ctx                  =                  document.                  getElementById                  (                  'canvas'                  )                  .                  getContext                  (                  '2d'                  )                  ;                  var                  img                  =                  new                  Image                  (                  )                  ;                  img.                  onload                  =                  office                  (                  )                  {                  ctx.                  drawImage                  (img,                  0                  ,                  0                  )                  ;                  ctx.                  beginPath                  (                  )                  ;                  ctx.                  moveTo                  (                  30                  ,                  96                  )                  ;                  ctx.                  lineTo                  (                  70                  ,                  66                  )                  ;                  ctx.                  lineTo                  (                  103                  ,                  76                  )                  ;                  ctx.                  lineTo                  (                  170                  ,                  xv                  )                  ;                  ctx.                  stroke                  (                  )                  ;                  }                  ;                  img.src                  =                  'backdrop.png'                  ;                  }                              

The resulting graph looks like this:


The second variant of the drawImage() method adds two new parameters and lets us place scaled images on the canvas.

drawImage(image, ten, y, width, height)

This adds the width and height parameters, which bespeak the size to which to calibration the prototype when drawing information technology onto the canvas.

Example: Tiling an epitome

In this instance, we'll utilise an paradigm as a wallpaper and repeat it several times on the canvass. This is done by looping and placing the scaled images at different positions. In the code below, the first for loop iterates over the rows. The 2nd for loop iterates over the columns. The epitome is scaled to one third of its original size, which is 50x38 pixels.

Note: Images can get blurry when scaling upward or grainy if they're scaled down too much. Scaling is probably best not washed if you've got some text in it which needs to remain legible.

                                  office                  draw                  (                  )                  {                  var                  ctx                  =                  document.                  getElementById                  (                  'canvas'                  )                  .                  getContext                  (                  '2d'                  )                  ;                  var                  img                  =                  new                  Image                  (                  )                  ;                  img.                  onload                  =                  function                  (                  )                  {                  for                  (                  var                  i                  =                  0                  ;                  i                  <                  4                  ;                  i++                  )                  {                  for                  (                  var                  j                  =                  0                  ;                  j                  <                  three                  ;                  j++                  )                  {                  ctx.                  drawImage                  (img,                  j                  *                  50                  ,                  i                  *                  38                  ,                  50                  ,                  38                  )                  ;                  }                  }                  }                  ;                  img.src                  =                  'rhinoceros.jpg'                  ;                  }                              

The resulting canvas looks like this:


The 3rd and final variant of the drawImage() method has 8 parameters in add-on to the image source. It lets us cut out a section of the source image, then scale and describe it on our canvas.

drawImage(image, sx, sy, sWidth, sHeight, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight)

Given an prototype, this function takes the expanse of the source image specified by the rectangle whose tiptop-left corner is (sx, sy) and whose width and pinnacle are sWidth and sHeight and draws information technology into the canvas, placing it on the canvas at (dx, dy) and scaling it to the size specified by dWidth and dHeight.

To really understand what this does, information technology may help to look at this image:

The kickoff iv parameters define the location and size of the slice on the source prototype. The last four parameters ascertain the rectangle into which to draw the epitome on the destination sail.

Slicing can be a useful tool when yous want to make compositions. Yous could have all elements in a unmarried prototype file and use this method to blended a complete drawing. For instance, if you want to make a chart you lot could have a PNG image containing all the necessary text in a single file and depending on your data could alter the scale of your chart adequately easily. Another advantage is that yous don't need to load every image individually, which can improve load performance.

Example: Framing an paradigm

In this example, we'll employ the same rhino as in the previous example, simply we'll slice out its caput and composite information technology into a picture frame. The picture frame image is a 24-bit PNG which includes a drop shadow. Because 24-bit PNG images include a full 8-bit blastoff channel, unlike GIF and eight-bit PNG images, information technology can be placed onto any background without worrying about a matte color.

                                                                            <html                    >                                                                              <body                                          onload                                              =                        "                                                  depict                          (                          )                          ;                                                "                                                              >                                                                              <sheet                    id                                          =                      "sheet"                                        width                                          =                      "150"                                        tiptop                                          =                      "150"                                        >                                                                              </canvas                    >                                                                              <div                                          style                                              =                        "                                                  display                          :none;                                                "                                                              >                                                                              <img                    id                                          =                      "source"                                        src                                          =                      "rhino.jpg"                                        width                                          =                      "300"                                        height                                          =                      "227"                                        >                                                                              <img                    id                                          =                      "frame"                                        src                                          =                      "canvas_picture_frame.png"                                        width                                          =                      "132"                                        top                                          =                      "150"                                        >                                                                              </div                    >                                                                              </body                    >                                                                              </html                    >                                                
                                  function                  describe                  (                  )                  {                  var                  sheet                  =                  certificate.                  getElementById                  (                  'canvas'                  )                  ;                  var                  ctx                  =                  canvas.                  getContext                  (                  '2d'                  )                  ;                  // Draw slice                  ctx.                  drawImage                  (document.                  getElementById                  (                  'source'                  )                  ,                  33                  ,                  71                  ,                  104                  ,                  124                  ,                  21                  ,                  twenty                  ,                  87                  ,                  104                  )                  ;                  // Draw frame                  ctx.                  drawImage                  (document.                  getElementById                  (                  'frame'                  )                  ,                  0                  ,                  0                  )                  ;                  }                              

We took a dissimilar approach to loading the images this time. Instead of loading them by creating new HTMLImageElement objects, we included them every bit <img> tags directly in our HTML source and retrieved the images from those. The images are hidden from output by setting the CSS property display to none for those images.

The script itself is very uncomplicated. Each <img> is assigned an ID attribute, which makes them easy to select using document.getElementById(). Nosotros and then use drawImage() to slice the rhino out of the first image and calibration him onto the canvas, then draw the frame on top using a second drawImage() call.

In the final example of this chapter, nosotros'll build a little art gallery. The gallery consists of a table containing several images. When the page is loaded, a <sail> element is inserted for each epitome and a frame is drawn around information technology.

In this case, every image has a fixed width and peak, as does the frame that's fatigued effectually them. You could raise the script so that it uses the image's width and peak to make the frame fit perfectly effectually information technology.

The code beneath should be cocky-explanatory. Nosotros loop through the document.images container and add new canvas elements appropriately. Probably the but thing to note, for those non so familiar with the DOM, is the utilize of the Node.insertBefore method. insertBefore() is a method of the parent node (a table jail cell) of the element (the image) before which we want to insert our new node (the sheet element).

                                                                            <html                    >                                                                              <body                                          onload                                              =                        "                                                  describe                          (                          )                          ;                                                "                                                              >                                                                              <table                    >                                                                              <tr                    >                                                                              <td                    >                                                                              <img                    src                                          =                      "gallery_1.jpg"                                        >                                                                              </td                    >                                                                              <td                    >                                                                              <img                    src                                          =                      "gallery_2.jpg"                                        >                                                                              </td                    >                                                                              <td                    >                                                                              <img                    src                                          =                      "gallery_3.jpg"                                        >                                                                              </td                    >                                                                              <td                    >                                                                              <img                    src                                          =                      "gallery_4.jpg"                                        >                                                                              </td                    >                                                                              </tr                    >                                                                              <tr                    >                                                                              <td                    >                                                                              <img                    src                                          =                      "gallery_5.jpg"                                        >                                                                              </td                    >                                                                              <td                    >                                                                              <img                    src                                          =                      "gallery_6.jpg"                                        >                                                                              </td                    >                                                                              <td                    >                                                                              <img                    src                                          =                      "gallery_7.jpg"                                        >                                                                              </td                    >                                                                              <td                    >                                                                              <img                    src                                          =                      "gallery_8.jpg"                                        >                                                                              </td                    >                                                                              </tr                    >                                                                              </table                    >                                                                              <img                    id                                          =                      "frame"                                        src                                          =                      "canvas_picture_frame.png"                                        width                                          =                      "132"                                        elevation                                          =                      "150"                                        >                                                                              </torso                    >                                                                              </html                    >                                                

And here's some CSS to make things wait squeamish:

                                  body                  {                  groundwork                  :                  0 -100px echo-x                                      url                    (bg_gallery.png)                                    #4F191A;                  margin                  :                  10px;                  }                  img                  {                  display                  :                  none;                  }                  table                  {                  margin                  :                  0 auto;                  }                  td                  {                  padding                  :                  15px;                  }                              

Tying it all together is the JavaScript to draw our framed images:

                                  function                  draw                  (                  )                  {                  // Loop through all images                  for                  (                  var                  i                  =                  0                  ;                  i                  <                  document.images.length;                  i++                  )                  {                  // Don't add together a canvas for the frame image                  if                  (document.images[i]                  .                  getAttribute                  (                  'id'                  )                  !=                  'frame'                  )                  {                  // Create canvas element                  canvas                  =                  document.                  createElement                  (                  'canvas'                  )                  ;                  sail.                  setAttribute                  (                  'width'                  ,                  132                  )                  ;                  canvass.                  setAttribute                  (                  'height'                  ,                  150                  )                  ;                  // Insert earlier the image                  document.images[i]                  .parentNode.                  insertBefore                  (canvass,certificate.images[i]                  )                  ;                  ctx                  =                  canvas.                  getContext                  (                  '2d'                  )                  ;                  // Depict paradigm to canvas                  ctx.                  drawImage                  (document.images[i]                  ,                  15                  ,                  twenty                  )                  ;                  // Add together frame                  ctx.                  drawImage                  (certificate.                  getElementById                  (                  'frame'                  )                  ,                  0                  ,                  0                  )                  ;                  }                  }                  }                              

Controlling paradigm scaling beliefs

As mentioned previously, scaling images can result in fuzzy or blocky artifacts due to the scaling process. You can use the drawing context's imageSmoothingEnabled property to control the apply of paradigm smoothing algorithms when scaling images within your context. By default, this is true, meaning images will be smoothed when scaled. Y'all can disable this feature similar this:

                ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled                  =                  false                  ;                  ctx.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled                  =                  false                  ;                  ctx.msImageSmoothingEnabled                  =                  false                  ;                  ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled                  =                  false                  ;                              
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